10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope
A portrait of a country and its culture of South Korea.
Our presence in Korea since 1995June 20th.

With great joy, hope and enthusiasm, and expectations also knowing the struggles and challenges USA province took the initiation to begin the mission in Korea in1995 June 20. We are grateful to Sr.Joanna Fernandes and all those who have been a part of this mission at different times in different ways... We acknowledge that the USA province has taken a lot of initiation and struggle to see the charism of Marie Poussepin in this Korean soil.

We belong to the Incheon Diocese and our parish is known as " Sam-jong Dong".

Our Ministry
Dominican Charity Daycare: Bucheon. since1999

Our Daycare is situated in Bucheon City. It is recognized by the City Hall. We welcome all the kids to our Daycare. They are from broken families, working couples. multicultural, different religions, rich-poor, and so on. Daycare is open from 7:30 to 19:30. We offer help to the poor and broken families by helping materially, listening to them, allowing them to share their problems, visit their families if they allow us to do.

Our staff work hard and are faithful in their responsibilities..also open to receiving all the programs we offer for them. We help the kids not only in education and various activities but to grow in their faith through celebrating Eucharistic once a month also giving them short reflections for the important feasts in the church. We make them be aware of the "Ecology" recycling programs and the safety of the kids. We make the kids to be aware of the realities of the poor and the sick and help them when it is needed. Parents are happy to send the kids in our daycare since it is a Catholic institution. At present we have 99 kids and 15 staff. Dominican Charity Daycare is well known in Bucheon city. Sr. Selma is working as a staff and Sr. Celine is a director in the daycare...

Group Home: Poussepin's home

South Korea is widely regarded as a developed country, with its height technology and fast global development, and provides sufficient welfare programs and care for the old and young. And in the midst of all repaid change of the country, we give our service to the girl child, who are abandoned from their families.

Poussepin’s group home is a private residence for children who cannot live with their families, categories of single parents, physically and mentally abused children, Being unwanted, unloved, uncared, and forgotten from their loved ones. We also accept the children who are in critical and emergency protection and care for a shorter period.

Being abandoned, unloved, not cared for, forgotten by everybody, that is a much greater hunger, much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. These are the category of children who come to Poussepin’s home. We with the help of the government, benefactors, and friends, Poussepin's home gives them "model programs", of education, health care, spiritual needs, cultural programs, and involvement in all the various activities necessary for the growth of these children. Poussepin’s home goal is to re-unite the children to their families. And this is the greatest challenge and long process, to search out the parents and counsel the parents, which takes years. And with the long process and preparation to send back the children to their own family. At present we have 5girls and 3staff...Sr.Suman is directly involved in it...

Dominican Laity

We started the Dominican laity with 4 ladies. They are very eager to know Dominican spirituality. They are given special formation through Dominican fathers. Sr. Celine collaborates with the fathers since the group comes every month to receive the formation classes in our house.. We pray together in the office, have the Eucharist, pray the rosary, sharing the faith experiences every month... At present we have 24 members...

Marie Poussepin Lay Associates: (since 2015)

Committed to deepening their prayer life, involvement in their parish, Make known Marie Poussepin's charitable works, they share in the mission and spirituality of our Congregation.

They come together once a month- the third week of Monday at 6:30 praying the Rosary in our chapel followed by a study of our Congregation, the Charism of Marie Poussepin. They are younger, older, retired, working, single, married and widowed women gathering together to become more deeply part of a community of love and holiness as advised by Blessed Marie Poussepin. They are the Lay Associates of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation. After a formation period in which the candidates are instructed in the charism of the order, its history, and Dominican prayer life.

While they are with us, the sister in charge instructs them in the deeper meanings of the sacraments, the beatitudes, and other parts of the gospel. These sessions help them to open their hearts and minds to the great treasures of our faith.

The associates participate in decisions regarding what will be studied. At present, there is a group started on October 26th, 2015 with seven members. They are always welcome to pray together in our chapel. This associate is guided by one of our sisters at present (Sr. Celine). They will have open discussions, share, have fun while at the same time supporting one another.

It is a joyful group of people who supported our community, try to live a life “firm in the faith, unwavering in hope and generous in charity” as Blessed Marie Poussepin taught us.

Bible Study Group: Since 2015

It is a small group of 7 to 8 people who are from different parishes come together on Sunday evening and we have BIBLE reading and faith sharing for about one and half hours. It deepens their knowledge about the WORD OF GOD and increases their faith in the Lord. The WORD OF GOD becomes a source of strength for them. This faith sharing and life experiences make them have more faith and trust in the Lord. Sr. Selma is directly involved with them in their faith formation...

English classes for blind people. Since 2016.

There is a group of blind people cared by the diocese of Incheon for their welfare and dignity as human beings. Sr. Suman was asked to give English class for them. They are happy and grateful for the service she does for them. It is one way of reaching out to the need for the signs of the time...

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