10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope

Dear friends

Thank you for being very generous with us to reach out to the less privileged children. We will be very happy to be partners with you in making a difference in the life and growth of the slum children. Our Children and their parents were very happy to receive the dresses and the blankets we gave them. We told them to pray for you. The smile on the faces of these little children will be always a blessing for you.

Dominican Sisters of the Presentation reaching out to the poor in 8 States in 13 Dioceses of India making the Charism of Blessed Marie Poussepin alive through a life time of Radiating God’s love, Enkindling Faith, Inspiring Hope

To reach out to the needy we need you especially for the education and empowerment of the slum children in the slums around Indiranagar, Bangalore.

Through our day care, parents are at peace to leave their little ones because they know their children are safe and well taken cared. The Creche is open from 8 am to 5.30 pm. The children are from all faith denominations. They are 2 to 5 years old. The mid-day meals and snacks are provided for them daily. They spend the day in a healthy and happy atmosphere and they learn to interact with others. Some basic alphabets, numbers and rhymes are also taught during the day. They get medical check up twice a year and medical assistance whenever needed. We have 150 children enrolled in the register in June 2017.

At the age of five, the children are unable to go to school due to financial struggles. So we put them to Resurrection School run by the St. Anne’s Sisters and help them with fees, books and uniform through the assistance we get from the funds. We are unable to put all of them in the school due to financial difficulties and we choose the poorest among them 30-35 on an average each year. Thus we help 350 children. Our first batch reached Degree course this year. As they go to the higher classes, the expenses increase and support from the parents decrease. Then it is a challenge for us to motivate and encourage them to finish the schooling and a challenge for them to really depend on the parents as well as to complete their education and not to be drop outs. We give them coaching classes everyday in order to improve their study. We call them occasionally to instruct in morals and values.

The service that we render allow the parents to work and earn their daily bread. The children are able to enjoy their right to basic education, which is essential for their future. With God’s help and your generosity we long for a better future for themselves and their families and for the society.

We have a director, assistant director, 8 teachers for both Creche and Tuition and one helper. They are all given skill training, social awareness, have completed 12th grade education and have a command over the children. We supervise their education in the school and we take free tuitions for them everyday from 4 pm to 5.30 pm. Our own senior students who have finished their 12th grade and those who do it now are also among the teachers and we have a few volunteers too.

The needs of our Education Project are Books, Fees, Uniform dresses, school bags, shoes and umbrellas. These materials could serve as a great help. We appreciate very much if you can inform us what you would offer to our poor children. We will accept any donation in kind and cash.

In this academic year 150 children are enrolled in the crèche. Three teachers and one helper assist the sister-in-charge to take care of the children. The children are taught the basics such as alphabets of English and Kannada, numbers, rhymes and games. Discipline and good manners take high priority as we aim at the wholesome and sustainable development of these children. The children are provided with nutritious diet. Thanks to the Maria Seva Sangh for continuing to provide our children with the mid-day meal. We are deeply grateful for their generosity. Teacher’s meeting is regularly conducted to ensure the efficient functioning of the crèche. Voluntary services also are welcomed by us. Five French students rendered their services to the crèche from 12th July to 31st July. We remember them with love and gratitude.

The coaching classes for the school going children are going on smoothly. It has helped the children to study on regular basis as all of them don’t get suitable atmosphere at home. They are in a better position to face the exam with confidence. The spoken English classes, focused on communication skills have benefited our children. The result of the 10th standard children is very encouraging. Many students have scored good marks and are pursuing their higher studies. We are also grateful to Mr. Suresh who spends his time to teach our children.

This year was a year of grace for each one of us. Day after day we are assured of God’s constant blessings and we continue to live with gratefulness. A significant change has taken place in the lives of the parents and the children whom we are serving. They are on the road to progress and development. A few children of our beginning batches have already started earning and they bring big cheers for all of us. Thank you, dear benefactors and friends for joining your hands with us to uplift the poor. We remain ever grateful to you.


We invite you to be partners with us in this endeavor of bringing smile on the sad faces of the less privileged children around us. We are grateful for your generosity which will enhance life to many. Your good will and generosity will help us also to carry on our mission of serving the poor and the marginalized by running the creche. The support and encouragement that we receive from many, fills us with optimism and are able to undertake different activities for our children and the parents of our children.


Jeevadhara Poor Girls’ Home is run by the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation. It serves as a second home for the girls who are less privileged and dropped out from the school due to various reasons. From here they go to the parish school and finish their elementary school .This mission started on 1st June, 2001. During the past 10 years 45 of them finished their 10th Standard education and entered into technical as well as job oriented courses etc with the help of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation and good hearted people.

The family background of these girls are very very poor. The very reason they dropped out of school is this. Some were kept in the house to do the house hold work since their parents are no more with them. Some stayed back to take care of the aged and sick grand parents. For two of them, we found their home atmosphere is not suitable since their mothers were mentally sick.

Most of these children have single parents. If it is mother, she has to go for daily work in order to maintain the family. If it is father, he goes for work but addicted to alcohol, smoking and sickly. A few are from broken families. In their own homes are often without sufficient food, clothing, shelter and medical care. Left to their living conditions, they are forced to work in their childhood, abused, ill-treated, uncared since they are girls.

Services that our project provides are:

  • Motivate them to higher studies and better life movement.
  • Improve the health of the children
  • Train them to respond with discipline and responsibility to their duties and decision making.
  • Develop creatively their talents and potentialities.
  • Motivate them in the moral and Christian values
  • Self- Awareness programs, leadership and organizational skills training.


  • Group building exercises once a week,
  • Specified times of personal study with the supervision of two tutors in those hours on a daily basis
  • Extra coaching classes for the poor in studies
  • Medical check ups once in 6 months
  • Self Esteem and personality development programs once in a month
  • Train them for cultural shows during the holidays.
  • Encourage them to put up cultural shows on festive occasions
  • Manual work in the flower garden or in the vegetable garden for an hour daily.
  • Train them in house keeping (cleaning, cutting vegetable etc.)

This project plans to help the girls for their education, awareness and empowerment at personal level as well as family level. We hope to bring down the number of school drop outs especially the girls in the coming years. We offer them boarding, lodging, coaching classes, integral development of their personality and growth.

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