10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope


The Provincial House Community located in12 MichaelPalya, Eighty Feet Road,Indiranagar, Bangalore-560038 was established on July 1, 1981 as Region House Community which later became the Vice-Provincial House Community and then the Provincial House Community.


Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka, known as Silicon Valley of India is the third most populous city in India and the 18thmost populous city in the world. According to the 2011 census, 78.9% of the population is Hindu, 13.9% Muslims, 5.6% Christians and 1.0% Jains. The Archdiocese of Bangalore offers pastoral services to its 0.4million Catholics in 6 different languages. This diversity is manifested to some extent in our Indiranagar parish, where we have the Eucharist celebrated in Kannada, Tamil, English and Malayalam on Sundays and in Hindi and Konkani once a month respectively.  According to a2012report, Bangalorehas862 slums and roughly 10% of the population lives in slums. There are 10 slums in and around Indiranagar and 6 more slums in the vicinity of 4 KM. We are called to announce Jesus Christ through service of charity in this social, cultural, religious and economic reality.


  • To be available for the various services involved in the animation and administration of the Province.
  • To offer hospitality to the sisters of the province and help them to meet their various needs.
  • To be open to receive the aspirants and offer them a conducive and favourable atmosphere for their formation.

a. Mission

To announce Jesus Christ, we will:

  • Search for the best way to respond to the needs of the mission according to our gifts and talents.
  • Collaborate in the pastoral ministries such as SCC [Small Christian Community], faith formation, family apostolate,  
  • Be hospitable, available, sensitive and attentive to our sisters and all those who come to the provincial house.
  • Respect the student sisters and offer them an atmosphere for silence and study.
  • Be open to share common places, goods, tasks, celebrations, recreations, individual talents and gifts with our nearby communities.
  • Be directly involved in the formation of the aspirants and give authentic witness of religious life the novices and candidates
  • Respect and appreciate other religions and offer services wherever it is possible.
  • Update ourselves with the existing laws of the country.

b. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

To live and grow in compassion and solidarity with the suffering humanity we will:

  • Become aware of the injustices and corruption around us and promote Justice and peace in our community and mission.
  • Participate according to our possibilities in the initiatives and concrete actions proposed by the Congregation, C R I, Dominican family and the Arch-Diocese.
  • Pray for the justice and peace in the world especially on the14thof every month and the days which are dedicated to special issues.
  • Assign a sister to keep in touch with the justice and peace team of the province as well as a sister to be the contact person for pastoral mission.

c. Care of our Common Home

To care for our common home, we will

  • Promote green and clean environment by ‘’go green” and care for the property by planting trees, growing kitchen garden and using bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides
  • Promote careful use of electricity and water.
  • Become eco- friendly, by reducing the use of thermo coal, flex plastic etc.
  • Promote the conversation and use of solar energy, use of LED lamps and careful use of electric gadgets.

d. Social Means of Communication

  • Learn to use Social Means of Communication for Evangelization
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