10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope


The Divine Inspiration received by Rev. Fr. Cloud and Rev. Sr. Agnes Dominic paved the way for the arrival of Dominican sisters of the presentation to the land of India, the land of ancient heritage.  The enthusiasm and zeal of our sisters from the Province of United States of America made it possible to have the seed of Charism of Blessed Marie Poussepin sown in Indian soil in 1971. The first community was formed at Kuttikad in Kerala, India in 1972 to be at the service of the parish, to educate the youth and care for the sick poor. We were directly involved in the healing ministry through Jeevadhara hospital and Family Centre and the pastoral care in the parish which helped the sisters to be part of the people’s lives. 


Kuttikad is a remote village of Thrissur district in Kerala.  It comes under Irinjalakuda Diocese. Most of the people are farmers and it’s a Catholic belt.

Goal and objective

“Called by the Lord, we are gathered in His name to know and announce Jesus Christ according to the project of the congregation” (C.2). Being involved in service to the community, pastoral, social, educational and health care, we firmly commit ourselves to bring the message of hope to ourselves, our community and the people around (cf. Provincial Project).

To live this, we 

  • Accompany people in their spiritual journey
  • Bring the marginalized to the to the mainstream.  
  • Mould and form through education.
  • Transmitting the healing power of Jesus Christ through health care


“That they may bring with them, wherever they are called, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His mysteries.” (Rule of Sainville XXVII).

The fire that was born in the heart of Marie Poussepin is the source of our dynamism of charity. ‘Reading the signs of the time’ and ‘itinerancy’ are hallmarks of our Congregation. The socio-ecclesial, political, cultural and religious realities call us forth for radical renewal, to go beyond borders, uprooting ourselves from our comfort zones and familiarities and taking the untraveled path that led Blessed Marie Poussepin from Dourdan to Sainville. (Provincial Project)

We live our missionary spirit

  • By animating the community and as a treasurer.
  • By Spiritual sharing, giving communicative English and promoting the power and experience of Rosary through DRC (Dominican Rosary Companions). 
  • By accommodating women in order to provide a secure place to live. 
  • One sisterthrough Jeevadhara “Girl’s Home” for the upliftment of the poor girls by providing opportunities for education. 
  • One sister through Jeevadhara Family Renewal Centre (JFRC) focus on the renewal of the families through retreats, seminars and coaching classes.
  • By taking care and developing the land and animal husbandry in order to support the community.
  • One sister is by education moulds and forms the young minds to live deeply rooted in truth in this challenging world in PariyaramSt.George’s School.
  • One sister is involved in the health care in St. James Hospital, Chalakudy.
  • By being active partner of AVARD (Apex Voluntary Agency for Rural Development), we are open to other agencies for the wholesome development of the people of the area.
  • By being part of Pastoral council of the Diocese, Parish Council, by teaching catechism on Sundays, by animating the family unit gatherings, we take active participation in the pastoral ministry. We also render service in the church by animating pious organisations of the church.
  • Through Family visits we empower and encourage them to be united and we keep the records of the family visits.
  • To sisters are available for counselling for family, youth to empower and enable them to live a life according to their call.
  • Community takes keen interest to pray for the prayer intentions of the faithful who request.
  • By being available to the various needs of the community. 
  • By keeping good relationship with the families of our sisters by visiting them in their needs.
  • By providing opportunities and support for the sisters for their professional formation. 
  • One sister is entrusted with responsibility of Co-Ordinator of Social Means of Communication for Evangelization in the Province.

Justice and Peace

We are invited to rethink the economy in fidelity to the Charism to be “even today, for the church and for the world, to be attentive to all the poor and all the miseries, material, moral and spiritual, as overcoming all selfishness in the logic of the gospel, which teaches us to trust in the providence of God  (Pope Francis, March 8, 2014) 

Since the Birth Day of Marie Poussepin is on 14th of October we observe every month 14th as “Justice and Peace” Day by praying for different needs of the world. Being aware of the injustice in our society, we become instruments of Justice and Peace in all our ministries.  

  • One sister is entrusted with the responsibility of providing information and facilitates the necessary communications on Justice and Peace issues with the Commission for Justice and Peace to the province. 

Care of our Common Home

God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good (Gen 1:31) “Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change. We lack an awareness of our common origin, of our mutual belonging, and of a future to be shared with everyone. This basic awareness would enable the development of new convictions, attitudes and forms of life. A great cultural, spiritual and educational challenge stands before us, and it will demand that we set out on the long path of renewal” (Laudato Si #202).

To facilitate Eco Spirituality, we:

  • Care for the earth, save water, encourage go green spirituality. 
  • Giving formation in Bio-ethics by studying Laudato Si.
  • Caring for the property, planting trees, growing kitchen garden, using bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Using eco-friendly material, avoiding plastics, thermo-coal and flex to preserve nature. 
  • Desire to use of solar energy and conservation of energy by careful use of electric gadgets and using LED lamps. 
  • Promoting a culture of ‘less is more.’

Social Means of Communication

Social means of communication is very relevant for evangelization during this era. This has to be with an attitude of discernment, solidarity and poverty, avoiding individualism that isolates and affects community life. 

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