10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope

Marie Poussepin’s remarkable work – a lifetime of loving service – has been an inspiration for thousands of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation throughout the world for the past 325 years and in India for the past 50 years.

Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, an international community is responding creatively to human needs today and there are about 2000 sisters serving in 36 countries. We would invite you to join us to celebrate this day in gratitude to God for the marvelous ways He guides us to serve the poor and the needy of our time.

A question before the whole world which is thirsting for God experience… The Lord is asking: who will go for me with the peace of Christ and its good news to the world of restlessness, violence and lack of peace?. Who will give a life time radiating God’s Love, Enkindling Faith, and Inspiring Hope?

Blessed Marie Poussepin answered this question in 1696 with audacity by leaving her home to respond to the needs of her time. Her remarkable work – a life time of loving service has been an inspiration for thousands of Dominican sisters of the Presentation throughout the world in 36 countries.

Pope Francis invites us to renew our missionary zeal through small things. This is the opportune moment to do this, to go “where the Church Calls us and our brothers and sisters needs us”, to make the poor the first subjects of our evangelizing action. Reality clamours each day with new faces, new needs and new urgencies and inspires us with new possibilities for mission.

Evangelization is the task of the Church. We the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation are called to “announce Jesus Christ” (C.82) This proclamation gives meaning to our mission “to Praise, to Bless, to Preach”. In order to reach the “peripheries” we are called to move out of our comfort zones. We are the privileged representatives to discover the face of the Lord in the cries and laments of the people. It is urgent to reinforce our missionary presence in the “peripheries”: Migrants, broken and multicultural families, Human trafficking, Day care for the old and babies and Family Apostolte. (Ref: project and Statutes 2015 – Province of India)

The theme of the Enlarged General Council is Mercy, Discernment, Communion and Solidarity: the Demand of Mission. Mission demands that we assume itinerancy, that we are available for change, both personally and in community, that we overcome the temptation to become settled or believe that we are indispensable. It requires that our witness of life is happy and joyful, to convoke and encourage others to respond to the call of the “service of charity”. ( Ref: XIX EGC - Barcelona page 13-14)

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