10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope

Justice and Peace is an option that we have assumed as Congregation; it is a way of living and acting, of relating, of placing ourselves in the world, in the environment; it is to assume our identity in the lifestyle of Jesus; Justice and Peace as a very vivid preaching of our mission and out consecration in Dominican life, with compassion, mercy and defense of human rights. This is a reflection from the 1999 General Chapter . “Place us in front of the reality of the world and the poor, marks our style of life” (54th General Chapter). This option is an integral part of the Charism of Marie Poussepin. We understand and live this option better, as a commitment that covers all aspects of our life: spirituality, community and the mission.

Pope Francis says that he wishes ‘a Church poorest for the poor’. are in search to assume the challenge to go to the borders where the cry of Peace and Justice is the cry of the people abandoned, displaced and outraged in their rights. To work for Justice and Peace is an expression of our Christrian and religious commitment. The Pope emphasizes that we consecrated persons should feel the need to work seriously for Justice and Peace.

The preaching of Social Justice and Peace are pillars of the Gospel message, o f the development of peoples and the building new societies. We take o n the challenges of promoting a culture of Peace that involves to build relationships that transform and make ever more possible a plural, intercultural land interdisciplinary dialogue, within our communities and at institutional level; fraternal dialogue that enriches us, increases our ability to communicate and allows us to interact on a personal, community and educational level to give continuity to the works and answer, from the newness of the charism, to the challenges of the mission that the reality permanently raises. (From the General chapter 2009).

Reaching out to the “peripheries”

We give priorities for:

  • A special place of women in the work of Justice and Peace
  • A commitment to work with migrants, whether they leave their country or their continent seeking better living conditions or those who move within the same countries because of conflicts or lack of means to survive.
  • Implication in working with networks with Government and other likeminded NGOs.
  • Integration in networks to deal with situations of promotion, development aid, conflict resolution and to obtain economic resources and professional advice.
  • It is a commitment to continue seeking and working with the most vulnerable, without saving anything and generating processes.
  • Promote and protect actions taken for the conservation of the environment and ecosystem.

This mission is to encourage, support and guide for the Gospel and charism values to be assumed by the sister and translated in to a style of fraternal solidarity and peaceful life and liberating commitments.

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