10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope

Dominican sisters of Presentation

Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, a Community of the Third Order of St. Dominic for the service of the Parish, to educate the youth and care for the sick poor. An international community is responding creatively to human needs today and there are about 2000 sisters serving in 36 countries. We would invite you to join us to celebrate this day in gratitude to God for the marvelous ways He guides us to serve the poor and the needy of our time.

Province of India

In 1971 the seed of the Charism of Blessed Marie Poussepin was sown in the Indian Soil. It took root and branched out to 8 states through Education, health ministry, pastoral care and social services.

Provincial's Message

Sr. Anney Chummar Maniyamkott OP

Blessed Marie PoussepinBlessed Marie Poussepin, the Foundress of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin was born in Dourdan, France, on October 14, 1653, as the eldest daughter of Claude Poussepin and Julienne Fourrier.  Although they were blessed with six more children, all except Claude, the youngest, died in their infancy.   Her Father, Claude was actively involved in all the parish activities and her mother, Julienne, was treasurer of the confrater...

News and Events
New Provincial
30 Dec 2023

Animated by The Spirit of God

Blessed Marie Poussepin

Born in Dourdan, France on October 14th 1653 into a hard-working Christian Family that specified in making silk stockings, she soon developed a passion for active Charity by accompanying her mother to visit poor sick people with

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St Dominic De Guzman

“God had given him a special grace towards sinners, the poor and the afflicted: he took their troubles into the intimate sanctuary of his compassion. One of the particular things he frequently asked God was to be given a real and effective charity for the salvation of all”

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Presentation of Mary

In confidence and joy, Marie Poussepin turned toward Mary, the Mother of Christ and our Mother. Marie Poussepin wished her community would honour and imitate Mary in the mystery of the Presentation, mystery of call,

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Only One Contemplative Aim ...

Love of God and love of others moved her to speak to God or of God with a charity full of mercy and compassion. Charity which knows the whole person and wants to respond to its hunger:

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The lord asks!

"Who will go for me?"

A question before the whole world which is thirsting for God experience… The Lord is asking: who will go for me with the peace of Christ and its good news to the world of restlessness, violence and lack of peace?. Who will give a life time radiating God’s Love, Enkindling Faith, and Inspiring Hope?

Blessed Marie Poussepin answered this question in 1696 with audacity by leaving her home to respond to the needs of her time. Her remarkable work – a life time of loving service has been an inspiration for thousands of Dominican sisters of the Presentation throughout the world in 36 countries.

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From our sisters

Experience sharings

Written by
Sr. Rosy

Indian sisters from International mission speaks

"We live in a world that is more and more globalized, rapid, pluralistic and connected. Our internatinality makes us sensitive to the wealth of each culture. Our unity is based on respect and the recognition of each one's identity as well as our capacity to enter into relationship and build together. This is a great opportunity, and at the same time a real challenge." (54th General Chapter document Page.31).

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Written by
Sr. Jose Mary

Relishing the memories of the past

One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good". Gretchen Rubin.

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Written by
Sr. Anima Tirkey

Challenges faced courageously and joyfully

To learn, to continue learning, to learn again, is the task of our life time. We are not in total possession of knowledge, norms, ways of thinking or doing but rather be convinced that the Truth is discovered by the acceptance of challenges which question our certitudes. Remain open to what we do not know; not to know everything, but rather try to learn better in order to love better. (Ratio Formationis Page 53)

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The Dominican

The Dominican Community that Marie Poussepin wanted was to have Charity as its soul. This love of God and neighbour was first of all expressed in the community where thee was no distinction of persons and where neither country nor birth gave way for differences. This did not mean egalitarianism, but full acknowledgement of each one with her values, her possibilities and also her limitations. In this community Word is welcomed, shared, studied and celebrated.

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A Tree on Fire: A Symbol of Transformation

Tree is a dwelling place of God according to Indian thoughts. Sages go under a tree in contemplation to experience the power of God. Tree gives life, protection, shelter, food, and energy.

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Renewal Moments

“To see what is right” is also to discover persons and things, events and situations beyond their appearances. For Marie Poussepin, in teriorization meant not only a manner of living with God and for God, but also a way to look at the others, to know and appreciate them....

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