10 Michael Palya, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O., Bangalore 560038

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin

Called to be the lovers of the world and preachers of hope

Love of God and love of others moved her to speak to God or of God with a charity full of mercy and compassion. Charity which knows the whole person and wants to respond to its hunger:

Hunger for bread and for knowledge

Hunger for dignity and recognition

Hunger for Truth and

Hunger for God

With generosity and abundance Marie Poussepin spread abroad the liberalities she received from heaven. Not miserliness nor stinginess, but a total gift of those who, having received gratuitously, gave gratuitously (Ratio Formationis Page 11).

Since her youth, Marie Poussepin’s faith was anchored in an open, ecclesial and committed life. Being rooted in the local Church marked her life and all her works. The sisters were sent “for the service of the parish”.

In order to give with such energy throughout her long life, Marie Poussepin applied herself to a true and solid devotion, “Imitating the life that Our Lord led on earth”. Her service to others, at the heart of her encounters with her sisters and with all those she met in one way or another. It was Our Lord, the Eucharistic Bread, the bread of the Word who nourished her and moved her to share it with others.

Following the example of St. Dominic, who learned charity in the book of the Gospel, we are intent on listening to the Word, keeping and pondering it in our heart, deepening it in the scriptures, and sharing it in our community and apostolic life. As we open our minds to the wisdom of God, we receive the Truth, allowing it to set us free.

Marie Poussepin traced a new path for lay and religious women. With the tenacity of the Prophet she remained faithful this deep conviction:

Charity must be lived in the heart of the world with all the richness and strength of a life in community

Marie Poussepin wanted to belong to the Dominican Family, she wanted a new type of community, faithful to the traditions of the Order but also open to new needs.

These new needs were the “sick poor of the country side and the instruction of young girls”. For us today, they are the fragile and vulnerable

masses in the large cities and country villages, who are waiting for the sisters’ presence in order to live freely and responsibly with the certitude that God loves them. This vitality of the Charism knows how to create a response of charity when the moment calls for it.

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